How warm should the basement be in winter?

How warm should the basement be in winter

You want your basement to be warm in the winter, but you’re not sure how warm it should be.  The temperature of your basement can have a big impact on your comfort and utility bills.  We’ll show you how to save money on your energy bills while keeping your family comfortable all winter long. Let’s … Read more

What insurance covers basement flooding?

What insurance covers basement flooding

Basement flooding may happen at any moment. It can happen to anybody with a basement, even if they have never had a basement flooded before. Even though flooding is most common after heavy rains or quick snow melts in the spring, it may occur even under dry weather conditions. Some individuals insure their basements with … Read more

Is drain cleaners flammable?

Is Drain Cleaners Flammable-Feature image

Most homes suffer from a blocked drain at some time, and one of the first things many goes for when this occurs is an over-the-counter drain cleaner. We watch commercials on TV promoting the efficacy of a drain cleaner without considering the possible dangers the product may cause to you or the drains and pipes … Read more

How To Find a Roof Leak And How To Repair

How To Find a Roof Leak And How To Repair

If you have a roof you probably facing problems caused by roof leaks. Roof Leaks are extremely disturbing for us. But repairing this is more than necessary. Are you facing problems finding your roof leaks? Here is the ultimate guide of How to find a roof leak and How To Repair are given below. How … Read more